Tell People You Appreciate Them

LI was walking behind a man who was smoking. He stopped, dropped the cigarette on the sidewalk and crushed it out with his shoe. Almost everyone I see smoking flicks the still lit butt into the street or on the sidewalk. For too many years that is exactly what I did until I became conscious of the negative impact my cigarette butts had on the environment, animals, children and other people. So I was very surprised when the man bent down, picked up his cigarette butt and put it into the trash can.

“Thank you so much,” I said. He looked completely surprised as he took my extended hand. While holding his hand in mine I said, “I really appreciate you putting that into the trash can.” He said, “You’re welcome. I always dispose of them. Since I smoke it is my responsibility to clean up after myself.”

As he turned to leave I said, “You are a good man. Have a wonderful day.”  “Thanks, you too,” he replied.

Responsible people rock. This week look for those who do responsible things and thank them.  Supporting others in doing the right thing will make you feel good about you too.

RYS 016: Embrace Your Emotions

In this Episode:

I don’t know who started the “it’s good to stuff your emotions” idea but it is a huge load of unhealthy and dysfunctional garbage. We are specifically designed to feel our way through life. What a twisted fantasy it is that stuffing our emotions will cause them to somehow magically disappear and we’ll go on our merry way filled with happiness, inner peace and love.

• We operate under two basic emotions, love and fear.
• Our negative feelings remain with us until we release them.
• We’re not intended to control our emotions but to express them in healthy ways.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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Be An Example For Others

I know how it feels to have people I care about (family and friends) choose to stay in abusive relationships.  From the outside looking in the view for those of us who appreciate that love does not abuse, use, control or prevent someone from interacting with his/her family and other people is so clear.  Yet if we have ever been on the inside looking out then we also appreciate what a challenge it is to step away from a situation when we believe the person hurting us loves us and someday will change. We know what it is like to lack self-respect, self-worth, and self-love.

No matter how much we want to help someone see the truth of his or her situation we cannot. No matter how much we love them our love is not powerful enough to cause other people to wake up to how they are allowing themselves to be treated. The only love powerful enough to cause someone to walk away from abuse is self-love.

While we cannot make other people love themselves we sure can show them what it looks like.  We can be examples that what they truly want, deep within their heart and beyond the fear, is really possible for them too.

RYS 015: Confidence is an Inside Job

In this Episode:

At one time I was a co-dependent person. I wanted other people to deal with my challenges, to fix my problems, or tell me the right thing to do. I was waiting for someone to heal me, someone to complete me. I believed I would magically attract the perfect person who would come to my rescue. Damsel in distress and a brave knight rides up and life becomes perfect. Damn fairy tales. There was never a knight.


• People can offer support but you must first support yourself for it to feel real.
• There is a difference between needing validation and wanting support.
• End co-dependency and fears of being abandoned by not abandoning yourself.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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RYS 014: Only You Know What is Best for You

In this Episode:


There was a time in life when I cared more about being liked, not making waves, and what other people thought of me than I did about liking myself and caring about what I thought of me. Not once did I feel good about myself doing what other people thought was best for me when I knew in my heart that what they wanted was not close to what I wanted for myself.

• It’s not easy to do what you know is right and best for you.
• Staying true to you is worth whatever sacrifice is necessary.
• Listen to and trust those who want you to be your unique self.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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You Must First Have it to Give

Love-Yourself2A big misconception we have is that it is possible, and often our duty, to love someone more than we love ourselves.  I was raised to believe this.  I was supposed to love a religious savior, or God, or another person more than myself. So I spent much of my life attempting to do this and I failed miserably.

Why? Because love is more than affection or caring for someone or something; love is behavior.  To love is to be kind, patient, forgiving, loyal, honest, etc.

It is only possible to be forgiving with another when I forgive myself first.  It is only possible to be honest with another if I am honest with myself first.  It is only possible to give patience, loyalty, and kindness to someone else when those qualities are first within me to give.

Loving ourselves first is NOT selfish as some of us are taught to believe.  Giving the behaviors of love to ourselves, making them a real and consistent part of our everyday interactions, is the only way we can give love to another.

RYS 013: Receive With the Same Grace That You Give

In this Episode:


It feels good to give to others. We get such satisfaction and joy from freely giving of ourselves and our resources. What a loving act of grace it is to give. And, because we know how fantastic it feels to give, why does it seem so hard for some of us to receive with the same grace?

• It’s not better to give than receive.
• When we don’t receive with grace we are denying the giver the same pleasure we get from giving.
• Giving with an agenda is not giving that results in true joy.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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Loving Often Means Letting Go

Often I am contacted by people who have been left in relationship and they are desperate to get the person back.  Why? If someone does not want to be with me why would I want to force them to?

Love is not about coercing someone into something they do not want to do.  Love is setting someone free if that is what he or she wants even if they did make a promise to stay.

Just because we are left does not mean we are not good enough. It simply means he or she was not the right person for us. Our self-love and respect depends on accepting that when someone leaves, even if that is for another person, it is for the best, even if we cannot in the present moment see how that can be true. One day we will.

RYS 012: You Are A Spiritual Being on a Great Human Adventure

In this Episode:

You have a physical body. You have a mind. You have a wide range of emotions. You experience yourself and the world through the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. In addition to the physical, emotional, and intellectual capacities and the senses by which you perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside your body, a higher, wiser wisdom exists within you.

• Soul is the ever-present, peaceful, and patient existence within your being.
• Listening to your higher wisdom is how you, an ordinary person, create an extraordinary life.
• Recognizing your Spiritual being puts the challenges of life into a clearer perspective.

Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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RYS 011: Be the Person You Want to Attract

In this Episode:

By knowing yourself intimately and you are honest with yourself, about your strengths and weaknesses, then you will know what you are comfortable with in another person. Who’s out there for you depends on what’s already within you.

• Knowing yourself allows you to share yourself with others
• Shared values are the foundation of successful relationships
• Create a better life together than you would have on your own


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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