RYS 064: Being Right is Highly Overrated

In this Episode:


We can be stubborn and we can be argumentative. But being obstinate and confrontational adds nothing positive to resolve conflict. Ego creates illusions or deceptions in forming the perceptions we have of ourselves, other people, and situations. Ego quickly justifies a “my view is right” attitude even when we are wrong.

• Clinging to the ego-motivated notion we have to be proven right only adds fuel to the fire in the disagreements we have with others.
• Just because we disagree with someone does not mean that person is wrong.
• Leading with our heart we care more about the health of our relationships than we do defending our egocentric pride.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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Tough Love is Still Love

boundaries-strongOne of the most challenging aspects about caring for others is accepting we CANNOT control or change anyone else but ourselves.  Our adult child is being abused in relationship, or faces jail time, or is hooked on drugs, or cannot keep a job, relationship, etc.  Yes, these things are hard to witness. And no, we cannot make their choices or live their life for them.

Each of us has our own journey in life. That means when we reach adulthood and we stumble, we must choose to pick ourselves up. We cannot do that if someone is there to soften our fall or always pick us up. We do not learn, grow and make positive permanent changes if other people try to do our work for us.

It’s not easy to watch those we care for collapse under the weight of their negative choices. Sometimes we witness this over and over again. But we cannot fix someone. Unless that person wants to fix him/herself, our words will fall on deaf ears and a closed heart.

What we can do is set boundaries to bring a higher level of awareness to the relationship we have with those who are hurting themselves and others.  We can focus our energy on staying centered and balanced so when the people we love decide to pick themselves up and change, we are there to support their efforts. That is why it is called “tough love.” Yes, it is hard and yes, setting boundaries against unacceptable behavior is still love.

RYS 063: Acts of Kindness Make Your Heart Sing

In this Episode:


Acts of kindness provide you deep contentment. Knowing you’ve helped brighten someone’s day makes your heart feel full long after the event itself has passed. Thoughtfulness is the action that emotionally connects you others.

• Kindness is having empathy so you become enriched by another’s happiness.
• Being kind creates lasting pleasant memories.
• Not only does being kind keep you heart-centered, researchers have found that kindness makes your heart physically healthier, too.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

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Yes, You Can, When You Do

SuperheroARecently a woman told me she can’t change her life because “it’s just too hard and much easier said than done.” I really dislike these and other self-limiting “I can’t” phrases.

Regardless what we want to accomplish we MUST support ourselves and that requires us to remove self-limiting language. We stop and ask, “Why would we intentionally sabotage ourselves before we even get started by allowing ourselves to think whatever we want to accomplish is too hard or not actually possible for us?” We don’t!

I asked what actions she had taken. She said, “I haven’t taken any. I’ve only thought about it.” I asked, “Could it be that it only seems too hard or easier said than done because you have not DONE anything yet?”

Together we made a list of small action steps. Today she proudly informed me, “Regina it’s not true that it is too hard or easier said than done. When I actually started doing I realized I could and that put an end to my thinking I couldn’t. Taking action I now know I CAN. Even when I stumble, I CAN still get back up and move forward.”

I love when we realize we are our own powerful superhero agent of self-change.

RYS 061: You are Alive at The Perfect Moment in Time

In this Episode:


This is an exciting time to be alive! So much is happening, and opportunities for positive change are everywhere. From the environment to how we treat each other and other forms of life, we are being forced to honestly examine issues that concern humanity’s future and well-being.

• Positively and peacefully addressing challenging issues will result in the evolution of our individual and shared consciousness.
• You are powerful to take small daily actions that will have a big positive impact.
• The reason for your being alive is to make yourself and the world better off for your having lived.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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Drop the Fear

Overcoming-Weaknesses2At one time I lived in fear; of going to hell, of being alone, of dying, of financial ruin, of being out of work. The list of what I was afraid of was so long it seemed insurmountable. Fear was definitely smothering the life out of me.

One day I got so tired of having panic attacks, of always looking over my shoulder, of waiting for the other shoe to drop, I just gave up and stopped running away from my fears. One by one I bravely turned and faced them, carefully dissecting each one, looking for tangible facts, for justifiable reasons why I should hold onto the fear.

In the end I found very few valid reasons for any of my fears.  Yes, I will die one day. The only power I have is to take good care of my body, to keep myself safe the best I can, and to enjoy each day to the fullest. I prevent financial ruin by being fiscally responsible. And, so forth down the line.

Turing to face my fears was the action that released me from their grasp. I became the powerful creator of the best life possible when I stopped allowing fear to dictate my actions.

RYS 060: Lifestyles of the Happy and Content

In this Episode:


It’s not a bad thing to be rich and famous. However, being rich, famous, and good looking does not mean we will also be happy, content, and fulfilled. The truth is money does not make anyone rich. True wealth, true riches are based on your character.

• When every “thing” is stripped away who you are, inside, is what will always be most important.
• Regardless of what other people use as their benchmarks, you have to define success for yourself.
• To truly create your best life lead with your heart, rather than being led by your checkbook.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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RYS 059: Forgive Yourself so You can Forgive Others

In this Episode:


In my book I identified twenty-six behaviors you give and receive that feel loving. Forgiveness is one of those behaviors of love. When it comes to loving others well, forgiving yourself is vital so you can forgive others. Withholding forgiveness of yourself denies you peace.

• To be free of self-resentment, you recognize holding on to whatever you did to other people only perpetuates your pain.
• There is nothing to be gained by continuing to beat yourself up for what cannot be changed in the past.
• You can learn from your mistakes to grow your emotional awareness so you stop hurting yourself and others.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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Attitude is Everything

sucky-attitudeAt one time I walked through life with a chip on my shoulder. I thought being angry and sometimes rude would help keep me from being hurt. One day I woke up to the fact that the aggressive and defensive energy I put out was exactly the energy I got back.  And, when I honestly looked at my behavior I realized that I ended up being hurt much more as a result of that angry and rude chip.

I no longer have the view that other people are out to hurt me, or take what I want, or that they are going to use and abuse me. I believe the difference is that I realize the energy I put out is reflected back to me. While everyone I meet is not courteous and kind the vast majority are.  It seems the saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together,’ is true because today the loving, patient, and accepting energy I put out is returned to me so much more than not.

Looking back I would not have imagined that changing my attitude would make a 180 degree difference in the ease by which I now travel through life. I am so grateful that I no longer focus on what other people need to do. I am so grateful I learned that my best life is created by remaining focused on what I need to do to keep me happy, respectful and peaceful.

RYS 058: How to Stop Giving Painful Memories Power Over Your Present

In this Episode:


Most likely you will always remember the hurtful and traumatic life-events you experience, just like you remember the positive, wonderful ones. So I encourage you not to worry about forgetting. Forgive yes, but forget no. I assure you just because you don’t forget the painful memories does not mean they must continue to have power over you.

• By giving time and attention to bad memories you permit people who hurt you in the past to continue having power over you in the present.
• The bad stuff that happened in the past can only hurt you now if you choose to keep reliving it.
• Over time, with purposeful attention, you can retrain yourself to allow a negative memory to come in and go out without emotionally attaching any significance to it.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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