RYS 076: Stop Multitasking to Get More Done

In this Episode:


You and I live in an attention-deficit world. We navigate within social and business environments that expect us to experience life in nanosecond visual blips and sound bites. To keep up, fit in, or be seen as successful by the world, we buy into the assumption we can and should do more than one thing at once. We believe multitasking saves time. The fact is, multitasking not only causes errors to go up but we also slow down.

• The term “multitasking” originated with computers.
• The computer’s processor seems to accomplish multiple tasks at once because of time-sharing but computers do not actually doing more than a single thing at a time; they rotate through several tasks many times a second.
• Research shows human beings cannot switch tasks as a computer does and when we do attempt to multitask the incidence of errors goes way up and it takes far longer to accomplish the job than if tasks were done sequentially.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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To Grow, Keep Learning

BSomeone once responded to one of my posts on Facebook –  the only education really worth having is that of personal experience. Reading books and going to school was not important to him.

While the personal experience each of us receives from the university of life and school of hard knocks is useful, so is the experience of others shared through books, periodicals, articles, and in educational settings, whether those are formal or casual.

We do ourselves a HUGE disservice by thinking we know all there is to know or  that we will personally experience everything in life necessary for us to make the best decisions that impact us and other people in the most positive ways possible.  To some ignorance may be bliss, but I’ve found it is continuing to learn that expands the boundaries of what we think we know. If we do not persistently seek knowledge we become a prisoner of our own egocentric mind and the thoughts it creates. And, simply because we think something does not mean it is real or true.

At one time the world was thought to be flat, our universe was the only one around, there was no electricity, running water in homes, internet, cell phones, vaccinations against disease, etc. I am grateful our ancestors did not settle for only what they thought in their own minds to be true or depend on just their own personal experience.

Intelligence is not about the degrees we hold but the willingness to admit we do not know everything and to seek knowledge. For me the smartest people are those with an eagerness to learn from their experiences and those of others. I for one enjoy learning from the experience of others which helps me grow so I can live my best life and encourage others to do the same.

RYS 075: Communicate with Care

In this Episode:


What you say, and don’t say, defines you to yourself and to others. How you communicate sets the stage for the relationships you have. It is amazing how much your self-image and the interactions you have with others improves when you assume responsibility for communicating with care.

• What you say constitutes about 7 percent of your communication.
• Almost 93 percent of your communication is non-verbal; the tone of your voice, inflection of words, and body language.
• Yes communication is what you say, but also how well you listen because truly listening to another person is establishing an emotional connection with the person talking.



Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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RYS 074: Time Is More Valuable than Gold

In this Episode:


Have you ever walked out on a mediocre concert or play? Passed up having dinner with someone who only talks about him- or herself? Declined an invitation to join friends for another day of sitting around doing nothing? Good for you. Time is the most cherished gift you receive and the most exquisite gift you can give.

• Your time is your life.
• Once a moment is spent you cannot get it back.
• Time needs to be managed with the same attention to detail that you manage your finances.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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Good People Are Everywhere

elegant-by-characterRecently my mother went grocery shopping at the Kroger’s in Marshall, Texas.  After getting home and putting all the groceries away, she went to put something in her purse. She looked everywhere. Her purse was not in the house or the car.  Then panic hit when she realized she’d left it in the basket at the store.

She rushed back to the market and straight to the customer service desk. The nice lady behind the counter immediately retrieved her handbag saying, “Someone found this and turned it in.” My mom went through her entire purse and not one thing was missing.

Mother was so excited to get her purse back but at the same time a bit disappointed that she will never know who the honest and kind person was who turned it in. She told me today the only way she has to say thank you is to pass it on with a random act of caring and kindness.  I look forward to hearing how she chooses to do that.

RYS 073: Successful Relationships Are Built on Trust

In this Episode:


Honesty is the foundation of trust. And trust is the foundation upon which successful and fulfilling relationships are built. In order to be honest with others we must first be honest with ourselves because when we lie to ourselves it is easy to lie to other people.

• Once we go down the dishonesty path, ego comes up with the most incredible excuses to defend our bad behavior.
• Ego could care less about the health of our relationships.
• Part of loving ourselves is being honest, with ourselves so we are honest with others.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

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We Must Stop Cyber Bullying

improve-status-quoI am often asked if I ever get angry. You bet. Recently someone forwarded an email to me that was hate-filled and judgmental. It was one of those things you see passed around the internet with photos of certain groups of people with sickening, ignorant and disparaging comments. It made me want to scream for two main reasons.

First, the person who sent this did so without thinking that by forwarding this type trash she is actually condoning the message and participating in cyber-bullying.  If she stopped to feel what it is like to be the people who were the subject of the photo essay she would be appalled with her behavior. Second, there is absolutely nothing positive that is gained from spreading stereotypical condemnations of anyone.  It’s not innocent or funny or cute. Spreading these type immature and unconscious vilifications actually supports the continuance of ignorance and divisiveness.

Ladies and gentlemen we CANNOT create our best life if we do not think before we act. We must ask ourselves how it will feel to be on the receiving end of our behavior, even if that is forwarding an email. We must have the heart to put ourselves in the position of other people. So what if someone is not like us. Thank goodness we have been, by Divine design, made as individuals unlike anyone else on earth.  What we do share is a heart that is connected to each other so we can feel what we each feel.

It is time you and I stop allowing those within our intimate circles to believe it is okay to send us these type messages.  We must set a boundary, not to change the unconscious and unfeeling, but to change us so we lead with our heart to support our fellow human being’s differences rather than blind prejudice. We must treat others as we want to be treated and be the example of how to create our best life by living aligned with love.

Yes I did set a boundary. Yes I was kind when I clearly and directly asked that she never send me anything like that again. No, I am no longer angry.


RYS 072: Work to Grow Beyond Ego

In this Episode:


Having the heart to honestly evaluate ourselves brings us deep peace and personal satisfaction. Moving away from behaving carelessly and toward remaining aware of our actions and how they impact us, others, and all life is a result of the questions we ask—and the actions we take to better ourselves in response to the answers we receive.

• One of the first steps to leading with heart is learning to remain aware of the deceptions a self-centered (ego) view creates.
• Ego creates misconceptions that other people are totally at fault while we are completely innocent.
• With persistent and truthful self-assessment, the pain of struggling with the attachment we have to who we believe ourselves to be (ego) falls away.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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RYS 71: Face Challenges Head-On

In this Episode:


Nothing positive comes from running away from the problems we create. Trying to shun responsibility or wanting someone to come to our rescue only results in disappointment and heartache. The freedom and peace of mind we desire come from facing our problems with the faith that we can overcome the challenges we face.

• We have the power to stop creating fearful situations by making good choices in the areas where we have personal power.
• By being honest about what is happening our focus becomes remaining determined to keep moving forward.
• We can dig ourselves out of any hole we are in when we realize we are the one holding the shovel.


Romancing Your Soul ™ is a show where Regina gives you the keys to create a joyful life. In a world filled with limitless challenges and stress, who can listeners count on for real-life solutions? Just check in with Regina Cates, acclaimed author, positivity junkie. Regina is a champion of heart whose common sense tips will make your relationships better, your communication clearer, and your boundaries healthier.


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As a ‘Thank you Gift’ for your review, please send a email with “I left a review” in the subject line to: Regina@RomancingYourSoul.com letting me know you left a review, and I will send you my pdf on “How-to Set Boundaries Out of Love for Yourself”.

To leave a review, click HERE. When you get to the next page, click the blue button “Listen in iTunes”, listen to an episode, and click on “Ratings and Reviews” across from my photo. I am grateful for your review!

To receive a FREE chapter of my book “Lead With Your Heart”. Fill in your name and email under…Join Our Heart Family and Receive a FREE Gift! Click HERE.


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Our Actions Teach

Character-makes-one-richMy mother taught me to smoke cigarettes.  Of course it was not her intent to do so. But each time she lit up I learned by her example that smoking was okay, even though she told me over and over to “do as she said rather than as she did.”

The problem with “do as I say not as I do,” is that 80-90% of all communication is non-verbal. That means our behavior is vastly more influential in teaching others than our words.

One of the most important things for us to remember is that what to value and how to behave appropriately must be taught. You and I have the responsibility to be a positive example for others of how life works best, especially children, because they learn from watching us. So if we do not intentionally teach them how to behave and what to value they will learn on their own through television, video games, the internet, movies and their peers.  With something as important as values at stake, we do not want to leave their character to chance. One way to be a positive hands-on example is to remember it is our actions that teach.