Episode Five: A Woman’s Right to Choose

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Episode 5 Show Notes:

In this episode, Rose, who had an abortion almost sixty years ago, joins me to discuss a woman’s right to choose. She found herself pregnant after allowing her boyfriend to pressure her into having unprotected sex. She was twenty and unmarried. At the time, abortion was illegal in the United States. She had to go to Mexico and endure a barbaric and painful procedure. For the first time, she speaks publically about her experience.

In this episode, Rose and I discuss:

  • That, based on everything we know about Jesus, he would promote compassion and understanding, rather than the judgment of a woman and attempts to suppress her right to make her own decisions;
  • God’s gift of free will, which means we alone are responsible for the choices we make;
  • That to learn and grow, each of us must be free to make our own choices; no one has the right to dictate the choices we make about our bodies and reproduction or anything else; and
  • It is not God’s will that women and girls are still facing barbaric and abusive restrictions by those who use their religious beliefs to justify control and domination over females.
Your turn! Download this episode’s talking points guide for conversation starters with your friends and family.

The Conversation Continues