Jesus would say there is no such thing as alternative facts. Facts do not change because someone misrepresents or construes evidence or misuses books like the Bible to support their position or views. Like those who spread conspiracy theories, people who spread pretend facts have an agenda of sowing discourse, fear, and distraction and don’t mind lying to do so.
Sowing division, chaos, and misinformation are not behaviors of great leaders, or people of integrity. Nothing positive is added to our democratic process when we reward our representatives, or their representatives, for slandering opponents. We cannot let those with biased agendas tell us what to believe and whom to support. Name calling and attack ads are cheap political tricks. Mistaking opinionated commentary for truth only results in our being uninformed to the facts. Allowing ourselves to be manipulated by salacious, tabloid-like, click-bait, facts-optional claims about candidates, or people in general, is admitting we are not interested in fact-checking the public record, and that means we are not interested in truth.
As citizens we hold much responsibility for how widespread intimidation and the vilification of those perceived to be opponents have become. Without raising a unified voice to demonize these practices within our sphere of influence, we have allowed negativity and denigration of people to seep into every part of life. The epidemic of disrespect throughout our political, social, business, religious, educational, and entertainment environments would be embarrassing to Jesus.
Jesus would ask why we believe it is acceptable to participate in, or be influenced by, or excuse maligning people as if this act were harmless, necessary, or standard operating procedure. It is not harmless to those whose reputations are ruined as a result of defamation, fact-less opinionated news, and lies. It is never Christlike to attack those we have disagreements with or who are different from us. We cannot love Jesus and sit by, ignoring the real danger our silence has to perpetuate this damaging behavior.
“Treat people as we want to be treated” clearly means we are charged by God with creating a world where we, our children, our neighbors, and our public servants are safe from being bullied, slandered, trolled, assaulted, and ridiculed. We can create the safe and respectful attitude God wants us to extend to one another by acknowledging the ego-motivation behind all trash-talk. No matter how divisive speech is delivered, or by whom, we turn this wickedness off. When there are no supporters for people who lie and vilify others, they will have no more influence in society and will cease to exist. However, this is a goal we have to work together to achieve.
God is asking each of us to actively bring about this positive change. We do so by refusing to participate. We turn them off. No matter who they are.