Some people think we should pray for God to take care of what is wrong with society and our world. Prayer is excellent, as long as we realize God is waiting for us to fix what is wrong; to fix what we created and allow.
You and I may not have personally created everything negative in society. But as part of our human family, we collectively allow global negatives, such as corruption, overpopulation, greed, environmental destruction, slavery, misogyny, injustice, discrimination, political tyranny, dishonesty, and inequity, to exist.
Regardless what negatives we are challenged to face, first we have to admit there is no superhero coming to our rescue. God gave each of us the strength and willpower to change our lives, relationships, and world for the better. So God is waiting for each of us to step up and take the positive actions necessary every day to be the inclusive, peaceful, and loving change we want to see.
This raises two critical questions:
How can we rationalize waiting for a savior to save us when we need to be our own saviors, by addressing our challenges head-on?
And unless we are dedicated to being people of integrity and empathy, how can we possibly work to right our wrongs?
It is really very simple.
GOOD = honest, kind, responsible, inclusive, humble, forgiving, peaceful, respectful, nonviolent, ethical, and thoughtful. To name a few.
EVIL = dishonest, cruel, irresponsible, divisive, arrogant, blaming, disrespectful, violent, corrupt, and thoughtless. To name a few.
There is no ambiguity between good and evil. On which side we stand is clearly evident through the words we speak, the beliefs we hold, and the behaviors we display.
To make God proud we choose to be Ambassadors of Love who live aligned with the good behaviors of integrity.