One of my most painful lessons was when someone I considered a friend dumped me based on a lie about me that she heard from someone else. Apparently the other person was so convincing that my “friend” believed the lie despite the many years of my positive and loyal behavior.
I learned that regardless of how kind, honest, trustworthy and responsible we are, there will be people who see what they want. There are those who are so blinded by jealously and superiority they discount a long, proven history of impeccability. At times like these it is important to remember the truth of who we are and hold fast to that.
Don’t waste precious energy repeatedly defending yourself or attempting to get someone to change their mind about you. There is nothing you can do to control how other people see you. The only power you have is to own up to your mistakes when you are wrong and remain loyal to yourself when you are innocent.
This week, remember that no matter the circumstance when you are innocent but are treated badly, the truth will come out in the end. When it does, the people who treated you badly may sneak off like a tiny mouse with a stolen piece of cheese rather than admit their disloyalty. If they courageously return and ask for forgiveness then you can forgive them with the understanding that we all make mistakes. Let their actions speak the truth if they have really learned and changed. If not, then set a boundary.